Protect My Home and My Family
Consecration to Divine Mercy
Prayer Book
This book explains the importance of consecrating the Divine Mercy Image in your home.
It contains the promises made by Jesus to those who venerate the Image of Divine Mercy in their home and the approved prayer for this Act of Consecration.
Divine Mercy Prayer Book - Will You Help Me?
Divine Mercy Wooden Cross. 6" Height. Package has free Divine Mercy Print Image and Divine Mercy Novena Leaflet.
Our Lady Untier of Knots, A4 size (10" x 8"). The Image that inspired the beloved Novena to Our Lady Untier of Knots, one of the fastest growing Marian devotions in the world. Pope Francis' favourite novena
Divine Mercy Apostolate, Maryville, Skerries, Co. Dublin, Ireland K34 NW54 | Tel: 00 353 1 849 1458 | Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.