Saint Faustina's Healing Prayer
- Pack 25 Cards -
Jesus, may Your pure and healthy blood
circulate in my ailing organism,
and may Your pure and healthy body
transform my weak body,
and may a healthy and vigorous life
flow once again within me,
if it is truly Your holy will.
This prayer was take from the following passage from the Diary of Saint Faustina:
Sudden return of health.
After I had written a letter to Father Sopocko on Sunday, 11 April 1937, I suddenly became so very ill that I did not send that letter, but waited for a clear sign of God’s will. However, my health got so bad that I had to go to bed. The coughing racked me so much that it seemed to me that, if this repeats a few more times, it will surely be the end of me.
On April 14, I felt so bad that I barely managed to get up to assist at Holy Mass. I felt much worse than I did at the time they sent me for treatment. There was wheezing, and there were rattling noises in my lungs and strange pains. When I received Holy Communion, I don’t know why, but it was as if something were urging me to this prayer, and I began to pray in this manner: “Jesus, may Your pure and healthy blood circulate in my ailing organism, and may Your pure and healthy body transform my weak body, and may a healthy and vigorous life throb within me, if it is truly Your holy will that I should set about the work in question; and this will be a clear sign of Your holy will for me.”
As I was praying in this way, I suddenly felt as if something were jolting my whole organism and, in an instant, I felt completely well. My breath is clear, as if there had never been anything the matter with my lungs, and I feel no pain, and this is a sign for me that I should set about the work. And this happened on the last day of my novena to the Holy Spirit. After this return to health, I found myself united with the Lord Jesus in a purely spiritual way. Jesus gave me strong assurances; that is, He confirmed me in respect to His demands. I remained close to the Lord Jesus all that day and talked with Him about the details concerning that congregation.
(Diary 1088 - 1090)
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St. Faustina Present Moment Prayer (25 Cards)
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