Prayer for Guidance to the Holy Spirit
Come Holy Spirit,
Spirit of Infinite Holiness
Spirit of Infinite Wisdom
Spirit of Infinite Truth
Impart to us thoughts higher than our own thoughts
Prayers deeper than our own prayers
Wisdom beyond our own wisdom
so that under Your Divine influence,
we may always choose the ways of
truthfulness, goodness and love,
after the perfect image of
our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.
Pack of 25 Prayer Cards
Please give one to a friend, family member or church group
Prayer for Light from the Holy Spirit (Pack 25 Cards)
Divine Mercy Apostolate, Maryville, Skerries, Co. Dublin, Ireland K34 NW54 | Tel: 00 353 1 849 1458 | Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.