
The Role that God Gave Mary

 The Role that God Gave Mary

by Fr. Adrian Farrelly


Our Lady guides Saint Faustina

The role that God gave Mary in this message of Divine Mercy was to prepare St. Faustina for her special mission by being an ever attentive Mother to her, guiding and teaching her about the life of union with God, and strengthening her in her sufferings, by suffering along with her in sympathy and compassion. Sister Faustina prayed to Mary from a very young age for help throughout her life.

When she first answered the Lords call, it was to Mary that she turned to for help and guidance, in finding a convent to enter. When she set out on that search her constant prayer was, "Mary, Love me, lead me, guide me". She consecrated herself to Mary, giving herself into her hands, asking for purity of heart, soul and body, and defence against all enemies. (Diary 79).

Saint Faustina prayed to Mary constantly 

She also continually prayed, "Mary unite me with Jesus” (Diary 162). Saint Faustina prepared for all feasts of Mary with special novenas and she celebrated them with great joy. The rosary of our Lady was just part of her daily prayers to Mary. When she needed a special favour from Mary the prayer she used as a novena was the Hail Holy Queen.

Saint Faustina prepares for Holy Communion

In preparation for receiving Holy Communion, she always asked Mary in prayer, "Mary help me to prepare my soul for the coming of Jesus and enkindle in me the fire of God's love, such as burned in your heart at the time of the Incarnation" (Diary 1114).

Pray Pray Pray

Mary, on her part, asked God to provide Saint Faustina with all she needed, for her mission on earth. She asked and obtained for her the great grace of purity (Diary 40), reflecting Mary's own purity. Mary told Saint Faustina to continually pray, pray, pray.

In the spirit, one can always remain in prayer

She said, "My daughter, what I demand of you is prayer, prayer, and once again prayer, for your country and for the whole world. For the atonement of the sins of your country, and the world, offer your Holy Communion and unite yourself closely to the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass for nine consecutive days. During these nine days you will stand yourself before God as an offering; always and everywhere, and at all times and places, day or night, if you wake at night, pray in the spirit. In the spirit, one can always remain in prayer"

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Letterkenny, Donegal, Ireland



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