

The more a soul trusts, the more it will receive

The more a soul trusts, the more it will receive
by Fr. Brian Doyle OP


We want to be in control


To be in control of our lives is something that we all desire. Indeed, we all spend time planning for the future and trying to ensure that we will have an enjoyable, secure and prosperous life. When we are not in control of a given situation, we tend to become anxious and worried. These can be trivial things such as being late for an appointment, or more serious matters such as the health and welfare of those we love. However, life is naturally unpredictable and it is impossible to be prepared for all eventualities. This can leave us feeling vulnerable and helpless if we rely only upon ourselves.


Jesus, Don’t You Care?


It is clear from the Gospels that the Apostles were no different from us and also had a tendency to panic when they felt things were out of their control. One account, in Mark 4:35-41, tells of a furious storm which arose one evening as the disciples were crossing the Sea of Galilee with Jesus. The waves were breaking over the boat, so that it was nearly swamped. Jesus was in the stern but He was asleep. The disciples, overcome with fear, woke Him and said to Him, “Teacher, don't You care if we perish?” But Jesus rebuked the wind and the waves and commanded them to be still. He then said to His disciples, "Why are you afraid? Have you no faith?"


In Troubled Waters


The boat in this Gospel passage can be seen to represent each one of our lives. There may be times when we feel helpless, lost, in danger, or abandoned by God and want to cry out, “Lord, do You not care if I perish?” We may wonder why God does not seem to be helping us with our problems, or why He hasn’t healed us of our illnesses. It may seem that God is not listening or that He doesn’t love us.


Trust, Even During Your Storm


This is a temptation we all face at some stage in life. But Jesus allows these tests of our faith to help us to trust more and more in Him and to strengthen our love for Him. He wants to assure us that He is always with us even though we may not always feel His presence. The Lord may seem to be asleep in our lives sometimes but He does not want us to be afraid. He asks us to believe that He is always at our side and will never leave us. His Church may be battered by the storms of persecution but He will never abandon it nor let the powers of evil be victorious.

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Devotion to St. Rita

from Divine Mercy Publications Ireland


St. Eunan's Cathedral, Letterkenny, Donegal, Ireland

St. Eunan's Cathedral

Letterkenny, Donegal, Ireland



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