The Angel of Fatima and the Importance of Silence in Prayer
by Fr. John Harris
During 2016, I had the privilege of going on pilgrimage to Fatima, as part of our Dominican national pilgrimage for the Centenary of the Apparitions of Our Lady of Fatima. I had previously visited Fatima on a number of occasions, but this time I became more focused on the visits of the Angel to the children, preparing them for the visits of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Queen of the Most Holy Rosary.
Read more: The Angel of Fatima and the Importance of Silence in Prayer by Fr. John Harris
The word "Angel” comes from the Greek "Angelos" which means ‘Messenger’. They cannot be seen with our human vision as they are spirits, but they are always close by to help. Praying is a conversation directly with God, a way of having one's soul and mind united with Him. A person communes with the Angels when you pray and unite with them, in praise of God and in seeking His grace.
As a preparation for her mission Mary asked Saint Faustina to be faithful to the will of God, putting it ahead of all sacrifices and holocausts (Diary 1244). As her special and dearly beloved daughter, Mary asked that she practice the three virtues most dear to her and most pleasing to God.
The role that God gave Mary in this message of Divine Mercy was to prepare Faustina for her special mission by being an ever attentive Mother to her, guiding and teaching her about the life of union with God, and strengthening her in her sufferings, by suffering along with her in sympathy and compassion. Sister Faustina prayed to Mary from a very young age for help throughout her life.
“Speak to the world about His great mercy and prepare it for His Second Coming speak to souls about this great mercy while it is still the time of mercy.” These were the words of the Blessed Virgin to Sister Faustina when Mary appeared to her on March 25, 1936, the Feast of the Annunciation.
Man’s advanced intellect today, academically or simply through all the enlightenment of modern media technology with the latest information and news, our minds are so advanced today that we analyse and make informed personal choices about everything.
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