The Enthronement of the Divine Mercy Image in the home is the recognition and honouring of the existence of God our Creator by the family. Those who give themselves to trusting in the wonderful love and mercy that His Son, Jesus, brings to us through this Image. This Image which was first made known to Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska in 1931.
The Enthronement
The enthronement begins by installing the Divine Image in a place of honour in the home, which is then ceremoniously blessed by a priest as follows:
The Blessing
V: Our help is in the name of the Lord
R: Who made Heaven and Earth
V: The Lord be with you
R: And also with you
Let us Pray:
Almighty, Eternal God, You have allowed pictures and statues of your Saints to be painted and carved, so that as often as we look upon them with our bodily eyes, we may recall with our more inward eyes their deeds and their sanctity and learn to imitate them.
In Your Goodness, therefore, bless and sanctify this picture fashioned to reveal to us the unfathomable love of our Crucified and Risen Saviour - Divine Mercy personified - and to recall to our minds the streams of Blood and Water gushing forth from His Pierced Heart to be a fount of Mercy for us.
Grant to all who invoke Your Mercy with this picture before their eyes, the grace of true repentance, pardon and peace. Shield them from every danger to soul and body.
Loving Saviour, establish in this picture the Throne of Your Mercy. Pour out upon all who approach it with faith and trust, the purifying, healing and sanctifying Rays of Grace ever emanating from it as from a blazing sun.
Gaze upon them from it as You did from the Cross with unfathomable Love and Compassion.
Through this image may Your Divine Mercy triumph over all the powers and wiles of Satan the world over. May all who venerate it never perish. May it be their joy in life, their hope in death and their glory in eternity. This we ask through Christ Our Lord, Amen.
With Ecclesiastical Permission + Desmond, 12th March, 1991. His Grace, The most Reverend Desmond Connell U D. D. Archbishop of Dublin.