by Val Conlon
“We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to our own way” (Isaiah 53:6)
Many people today have said to me they are not religious anymore in as much as they are not attached to any religious sect, but they are still spiritual, what does that mean?
This to me means they like sheep have gone astray, and each of them has turned to his own way.
Jesus said: “Souls perish in spite of My bitter Passion. I am giving them the last hope of salvation; that is, the Feast of My Mercy. If they will not adore My mercy, they will perish for all eternity. Secretary of My mercy, write, tell all souls about this great mercy of Mine, because the awful day, the day of My justice, is near” (Diary 965)
In the days of the Crusades, when philosophers were preaching a belief in the material world only, a man called Dominic started promoting the Blessed Virgin Mary through a prayer called, The Holy Rosary of Our Lady. In the next few years this special prayer spread all over the world and brought many people back from materialism to belief in Jesus Christ. The Church finally instituted the feast of “Our Lady of the Rosary”.
Again, in the 13th Century, when people began falling away from their faith in large numbers, a new devotion emerged from revelations to Juliana of Liege called “Devotion to the Blessed Sacrament”, and a new feast day was introduced by the Church called “The Feast of Corpus Christi”.
Then, when Jansenism began to take hold in the world and change the relationship developed by the Church between God and man, a new devotion began from revelations to St. Margaret Mary Alacoque called ‘Devotion to the Sacred Heart’ and the Church declared a special feast day called ‘The Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus” on the 6th day of June.
Again, when evil began to emerge on a large scale in the time of Pius XI, he himself instituted the “The Feast of Christ the King”.
And today, “We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to our own way”. (Isaiah 53:6)
Today, the very foundation, the Rock itself, is shaking from the onslaught of betrayal and sin, even from some of the builders and protectors of all we hold dear. And like in Isaiah’s time, all those years ago, people are beginning to turn again to their own way. Where is the answer for our evil time?
Well Almighty God as down through the ages has again shown us the way back, and today the answer is, ‘Devotion to His Divine Mercy’ from the extraordinary revelations to St. Faustina.
We must now make the ultimate effort to get peoples attention, and win them back before it is too late, and to combat this terrible time we live in, we can with the message of Divine Mercy expose God to the world through His greatest attributes...
His infinite Forgiveness, His infinite Love, His infinite Mercy.
Mercy is the flower of love. God is love, mercy is His deed.
In love it is conceived; in mercy it is revealed. (Diary 651)